WDAA Club Rules as Amended 2018

1. The name of the Club shall be “The Wadebridge and District Angling Association”


2. The objects of the club shall be to promote angling as a sport and contribute to the welfare of the river, fish and fishing.


3. The officers shall consist of President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary and a Committee of up to nine. Other officers of the Association may be appointed by the Committee from time to time. Club Members who are involved in the acquisition or management of private or syndicated water within the Camel catchment are not eligible for membership of the committee, 


4. One third of the Committee will be elected at the A.G.M. and stand for a period of three years. Retiring Committee members may be considered for re-election at the AGM.


5. The Club year shall be from 1st January to 31st December. 


6. The Annual General Meeting shall take place before the end of February each year.


7. The Auditor shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.


8. An extraordinary General meeting may be called by the written application of twenty ordinary members.


9. The Committee shall meet as required. The Chairman and Secretary have authority to call meetings.


10. The Committee shall have the power to make such byelaws and regulations as they may deem advisable in the interests of the Association, any such rule to be confirmed by a general meeting.


11. A minute book shall be kept by the Hon. Secretary, in which shall be recorded the business transacted at each Committee meeting and a record shall be enumerated in the minutes of the Treasurers report of the financial state of the Association.


12. All moneys shall be immediately banked in the name of the club in Wadebridge.


13. Cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and Chairman / Vice Chairman and all expenditure must be authorised by the Committee.


14. The membership of the club shall be determined by the Committee. Life members, honorary members and junior members (fourteen years and under) shall be excluded from the total number. 


15. When considering applications for membership, preference will be given to residents within the Wadebridge area.


16. The Committee shall have power to accept or refuse any application for membership of the Club; applicants have the right to appeal in the case of refusal.


17. The membership subscription, joining fees and visitor permit fees shall be determined by the Committee. Junior membership (fourteen years and under) will be free. 


18. Membership fees to be paid by the end of March each year. Members not having paid by then will be deemed to have terminated their membership.


19. Should any member observe any illegal or unsportsmanlike action, breach of these rules, or any behaviour which may bring the Association into disrepute, he shall forthwith report the same to the Secretary. All such events will be considered by the Committee and any disciplinary action will be subject to appeal by the member concerned. 


20. Members found to be leaving litter by the river will be asked to surrender their membership cards. Any such events will be considered by the Committee and will be subject to appeal.


21. All regulations byelaws etc. as laid down by the Environment Agency shall be strictly observed. Members are required to carry their EA Salmon & Sea Trout licence at all times when fishing, and shall produce this when asked to do so by authorised EA staff. Every member shall be deemed to be an Association Bailiff and urged to exercise powers in requesting an angler’s authority to fish.


22. The club membership card must be carried and produced on request when fishing Association Waters.


23. All Junior Members (under 14 years of age) must be accompanied by an adult member.


24. Until further notice, worming for sea trout on Pencarrow Waters (Camel Trail side) will be permitted.


25.  Any member proved to have been fishing with worm or live bait where such bait is prohibited will be expelled forthwith. Fishing with maggot banned on all Association waters


26. Members are not permitted to fish Association waters during the period 16th December to 30th April following.


27.  Day and week tickets will be available until 30th November limited to 3 tickets per day in October and November. Day and week ticket holders will become temporary visiting members of the club and will be required to abide by club rules.


28. Members are not permitted to take dogs onto the riverbank. 






Be aware of River Camel Emergency Bylaw restrictions. See Rule 21.

For the duration of the River Camel Emergency Bylaw period up to 31 October 2018 and any subsequent bylaws, the Club restrictions as shown below are superseded in deference to the restrictions within the bylaw. If any member successfully prosecuted by the EA for non compliance of the Emergency Bylaw he shall be banned from the club for a minimum of 24 hours.


1. Sale of any Salmon and Sea Trout Prohibited

2. No more than 4 Sea Trout may be killed per day

3. Anglers will return all sea trout smaller than 30 cm..

4. Only 2 Salmon may be killed in one day.

5. Only 4 Salmon may be killed in any 7-day Period and 10 salmon for the season 

6. Fishing for salmon with artificial bait only before 16 June

7. All salmon caught before 16 June must be returned

8. Barbless hooks only to be used when worming for salmon after 1 September